Monday, April 7, 2008

Choosing the camera for you. Part 1- So which Digital Camera to Buy?

Choosing the camera for you. Part 1
So you want to take up photography, You will need a Camera :-). Well now a days, if you intend to take up photograph, your only choice will be limited to Digital Cameras, Film Camera is a rarity, and soon it will be impossible to purchase any films at all or even to develop it unless you intend to develop it your self.
So which Digital Camera to Buy?
Every one will say that they want the best, But what is the best? It will all depend on you the person who will be taking photograph.
Lets examine the choice we have. We will have to decide on the following criteria’s first to decided the camera we need.
- Type of Camera (Compact, DSLR etc)
- Brand, Semi Branded or Unbranded Cameras
- How many Mega Pixels do we need?
- What type of Memory does the camera use?
- What Batteries do they use?
But more importantly, before we decide on the above points, ask one self what is our intention with this camera. That will guide you to the type of camera you will need.
Q1, Do we want a camera to be with us on a daily / hourly basis or it it just for special occasions?
Q2, What is it that we want to photograph?
Q3, How do we want to display the photo? How big is the Display going to be?
Q4, How much do we know on Photography? Do you just point and shoot? Or can you manually set the settings required?
The Next post will discuss the general types of camera that is available on the Market.

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