Saturday, April 12, 2008

Choosing the camera for you. Part 2 (Type of Digital Cameras)

Currently there are 4 Basic Types of Digital Camera Available on the Market. You will have to pick between one of these types.
Combo Cameras -
Currently in the market for this “Combo” Cameras are
1. Handphone Cameras
2. MP3/MP4 Cameras
3. Game Cameras
What in common of this type of combo camera, are
- that the lens are usually wide angle, which create the effect of distace to your subject.
- Lens tend to be small, (which may affect quality of the final product),
- controls are automatic,
- they usually do not have optical zoom.
They can be of good quality and offer good features (especially the branded camera phones). The camera are usually small, with rechargeable batteries, and if it a devise you keep with you, it will be with you the entire day.
I personally use a Sony Ericson K750i Handphone Camera, as my every day every moment camera, It has 2 MP, wide angle lens, automatic and a fast start up, That give the opportunity to capture “Memories” Snapshots. However it is best to use this camera in Bright Places.
Disadvantage of these camera is that usually, Its low light quality is poor, Image is small(max 4R), and no zoom to speak off.
Compact Cameras -
They are sleek, small size, automatic devices specializing in taking images, and available in branded and unbranded verities, they usually offer Optical Zoom up to 5 X, Digital Zoom, and comes with a set of limited controls, though now a days they are starting to encroach in to the Super Zoom Camera Range in terms of optical zoom and features.
Compact Camera are easy to carry in small pouches or in your pocket. – If you need a camera for occasions these are the type of camera for you, though you can carry them with you where you go, but will you remember to do so? I use a compact previously, Always forget to bring it along.
Super Zoom Cameras -
Super Zoom Cameras in a mid range camera, (between Compacts and DSLR) small and compact, though slightly more bulky, the Lens of these camera are bigger as such better quality photos, The optical zoom will be much higher then the compact, and usually the Macro Mode (Take close up images) are much better, You can have much more control over controls, or you can just shoot on automatic. These Cameras are for the amateur, especially for those who likes to experiment around, and would like to take up photography more seriously.
I use a Fuji FinePix S5700 currently, a compact superzoom about the size of my fist. It has 10 X optical zoom which allows me to take portrait of a person with out him being aware that I am around. In addition it 4.8 X Digital zoom in combination allow me to reach out and snap longer range photo but at a loss of sharpness. “That for memories”. All the photo you see in this blog is taken with the Fuji.
It's give me almost DSLR control, and features, with the convenience of a all in one package, no need to bring along extra lens etc. And it is much cheaper too. I do loose out though on certain features and on the fast continuous phototaking, as the Fuji can only take 1 photo every 2 seconds. However i feel overall that i do not use those features that often and i can live with out it.
DSLR - (Digital Single Lens Reflex)
This type camera offer you full control in capturing the images you want, you can change the lens to suit all conditions, (from super wide angle, to super telephoto), Images from this type of camera can usually be scale up to large size with out loosing it’s sharpness. You can take continuous photo's, eg 3 photo per second which is good for sports / action photography. This camera is for the Professional, or the very serious and loaded amateur.
You do have to pay serious money for such camera's starting 1.5 times extra of a super zoom upwards, and the with this type of camera, you will have to purchase more equipment to lug around for phototaking such as a wide angle lens, a zoom lens and other expensive stuffs.
Note: If you choose a camera with zoom, kindly note, look only at the Optical Zoom, Digital Zoom currently makes the photo blur.

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